Bioscience formulae-
2. Crossover value by the square root of the number of individuals (.\/N)
3.Chi-Square Formula-
16.dC/dt= -kC^2 dC/dt=rate of renaturation
C0t1/2 = 1/k
17.p ( buoyant density )
=1.660 +0.00098 (% GC)g/cm3
18.Packaging ratio of DNA= Extended length of DNA/ Packing length
19.Dna replication time= base pairs/ no. of bases per sec
20. Size of fragments = 4^n ,where n= no. of base pairs
21.Time since divergence of two species is given by
(100 - X% sequence similarity) / (% change / years).
2. Crossover value by the square root of the number of individuals (.\/N)
3.Chi-Square Formula-

Degrees of freedom (df) = n-1 where n is the number of
4.No. of different genotypes-n(n+1)/2,3^n
5.No. of different gametes and phenotype - 2n
6.Recessive homozygous in F2 =1/(2n)2
7.Frequency of recombination-no.of recombinant/Total no. of progeny*100
8.Map distance - No. of recombinant offspring/Total no. of offspring*100
9.Distance betwen 2 genes- No. of single CO+ No. of DCO/Total no. of progeny *100
10.Coincidence- (observed DCO/ expected DCO)
11.Interference=1-(observed DCO/ expected DCO)
12.In tetrad analysis-
a.Map distance= 1/2*No. of SDS asci / Total no. of asci *100
b.Recombination frequency-NPD+1/2 TT / Total no. of tetrads *100
13.No.of F2 progeny expressing either extreme phenotype- 1/ 4^n
14.Inbredding coefficient= 2pq-H/2pq( population genetics)
15.Ne= 4NmNf /Nm+Nf( Effective population size)
Nm= no.of male Nf= no. of female12.In tetrad analysis-
a.Map distance= 1/2*No. of SDS asci / Total no. of asci *100
b.Recombination frequency-NPD+1/2 TT / Total no. of tetrads *100
13.No.of F2 progeny expressing either extreme phenotype- 1/ 4^n
14.Inbredding coefficient= 2pq-H/2pq( population genetics)
15.Ne= 4NmNf /Nm+Nf( Effective population size)
16.dC/dt= -kC^2 dC/dt=rate of renaturation
C0t1/2 = 1/k
17.p ( buoyant density )
=1.660 +0.00098 (% GC)g/cm3
18.Packaging ratio of DNA= Extended length of DNA/ Packing length
19.Dna replication time= base pairs/ no. of bases per sec
20. Size of fragments = 4^n ,where n= no. of base pairs
21.Time since divergence of two species is given by
(100 - X% sequence similarity) / (% change / years).
22.pH = -log[H+] or pH = -log[H3O+]
23. Kw = 1.0 x 10-14 = [H3O+] [OH-]
24.Viability of cryopreserved cells -

25.Determining the no. of genes=1/4 ^n
26.Nt=No+B+I-D-E I=Immigration B=Natality rate D= Mortality rate
25.Determining the no. of genes=1/4 ^n
26.Nt=No+B+I-D-E I=Immigration B=Natality rate D= Mortality rate
(change in population size at a given time interval t)
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