Tuesday 31 May 2016

Blue white screening

Blue white screeningForiegn DNA and plasmid Dna are cut with restriction enzyme. Plasmid has gene for lactose hydrolysis lac z gene which codes for enzyme (β-galactosidase). Foriegn dna insert into lacz gene to form the recombinant. The recombinant dna is then transfered into a host cell , which are then grown in the presence of X-gal

colonies with an insert-containing plasmid have a non-functional β-galactosidase, and remain the whitish-cream color of standard E. coli. On the other hand, intact β-galactosidase ( non recombinant plasmid )produces pigment from x-gal (included in the transformation plate medium), turning the bacterial colony blue.

Blue/White Color Screening lacZ lacZ insert functional enzyme nonfunctional enzyme X-gal product X-gal product



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