
Wednesday, 19 April 2017


AUTOGRAFT(Within an individual )

SYNGENETIC GRAFT(FROM identical twins or clone ISOGRAFT)

ALLOGRAFT(homograft     between two human beiengs as they both are from same species  )(From non identical individuals  same species) 

XENOGRAFT from different species or from one species to another species.(heterograft) Between a man and monkey or from pig to humans 

Transfer of cells, tisues or an organ between different parts of the body or between different individuals.(TRANSPLANTATION)

In case of plants graft is  a small shoot or scion of a tree inserted in another tree, the stock of which is to support and nourish it the two unite and become one tree, while transplant is an act of uprooting and moving (something). 

Autografts  and isografts are usually accepted  due to the genetic identify between graft and host . Allograft is genetically dissimilar to the rest it is often recognized as foreign by the immune system and is rejected. 

Q1 Type of graft best suited for renal transplantation-
d  Isograft

Ans. D Isograft (graft given from a genetically identical twin, dose not require immunosuppressive therapy, therefore it is most suitable.)

Q2. NEOGRAFT -Automated hair transplant system 

Q3.In different types of tissue transplantations, the rate of graft rejection in decreasing order is
 (A) Isograft > Xenograft > Allograft
 (B) Allograft > Isograft > Xenograft 
(C) Xenograft > Autograft > Allograft
 (D) Xenograft > Allograft > Isograft 

4.Gold standard for bone regenerative grafting materials? 
A. Xenogenic bone
B. Allogenic bone
C. Autogenous bone
D. Alloplastic bone
Ans. c

5.Graft of dopamine producing cell is needed to cure
A Parkinson disease
B Haemophillia
c Epilepsy
Ans. A

6.Best Bone Graft?
A. Autograft with Alloplastic
B. Allograft
C. Alloplastic
D. Xenograft
Ans. A
7.Graft from sister to brother-
A. Isograft
B. Allograft
C. Autograft
D. Heterograft
Ans. B

8.Organism causing destruction of skin graft is
A. Streptococcus
B. Staphylococcus
C. Pseudomonas
D. Clostridium
Ans. A
9.A woman with infertility receives an ovary transplant from her sister who is an identical twin. What type of graft is it ?

A) Autograft
B) Allograft
C) Isograft
D) Xenograft

Ans. c

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