
Monday, 20 March 2017


Ag is loaded into single well of gel. Gel has been impregnated with specific Ab solution. Ag will diffuse out from well in radial fashion. Diameter of immunoprecipitin ring is proportional o the concentration of the  Ag present.

1.When combining aqueous solutions of soluble compounds, a precipitate is formed where -
 A. a solvent is insoluble
B. a reactant is insoluble
C. a product is insoluble
D. None of these answers is correct. 
Ans. c

2.In agglutination reactions, the antigen is a………in precipitation reactions, the antigen is a……………
a. whole cell/soluble molecule
b. Soluble molecule/whole cell
c. Bacterium/virus
d. Protein/carbohydrates


3.Which of the following serological technique is used to quantify antigen -

A)Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

C)Single radial immunodiffusion (RID) assay

Ans. c

4.The quantitative technique where a negatively charged antigen is electrophoresed into a gel containing antibody is-

a.RDI (Radial immuno duffusion)
b.Mancini method
c.Double diffusion 
d.Both a and b


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