
Friday, 3 February 2017


BIO-living matter 
LUMIN-to fill with light 
ESCENCE-process that changes a state 

It is a property in  which living things emit lights. It is a form of chemiluminescence(conversion of chemical energy into light ). It occurs widely in marine vertebrates and invertebrates ,bacteria (dinoflagellates),crustaceans and in some fungi as well . Probably bioluminescence originated from ocean . It is a very important way of communication in the ocean as the transmitted sunlight is dim or we can say absent . Bioluminescence also helps in defence against predators or to find the the prey .It may aso helpfull during mating to attract the other partner.

Luciferin is the generic term for the light emitting molecule . The enzyme that acts as the catalyst to create the glow is called luciferese. These 2 chemicals luciferin and luciferese mixed together to emit light .
Luciferase is a heterodimer .Its activity requirs large amount of ATP. It is coded by set of genes called as lux operon .Any mutant if looses the ability to synthesize aldehyde automatically looses the ability to emit light . Hence, aldehyde is important for the emission of light .

1. Name of chemicals which emit light in bioluminescence -
Ans. Luciferin and luciferase 
2.Bioluminescent plant example is -
Ans. Glowing mushroom 


                          Image source credit -

3.Bioluminescence is - Light produced by living creatures
4.What is the most common bioluminescent colour in marine life - Blue 
5. Where do most bioluminescent organisms lives -in the deep sea

1.What is the most common source of bioluminescence in surface waters-
a.crustacians                      c.jelly fish 
b.Dinoflagellates                 d. All of the above 
Ans. b
2.What percentage of deep sea creatures are bioluminescent -
a.50 b.45 c. 100 d. 90                                                                  
 Ans. d (90)
3. Which group of living things does not have bioluminescent members?
a. sea squits            c.Flowering plants 
b.bacteria                d.All of the above 
4. Bioluminescence is exhibited by -
a. chlorella  b . chlamydomonas
c. hirudinaria d.ceratium 

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