
Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Transgenic plants

Transgenic plants are genetically modified plants by introduction or expression of a foreign gene. It is also called as genetically engineered plants. It use the recombinant Dna technology  so we can say it is a result of modern biotechnology .

Production of transgenic plants -

1. Isolation - isolate and clone the gene of intrest. The gene is called transgene.
2.Addition of segments- Add the Dna segments for the initiation of the gene expresiion.
3.Selectable markersSelectable markers are those which allow the selection of transformed cells, or tissue explants, by their ability to grow in the presence of an antibiotic or a herbicide. The most frequently used selectable markers are kanamycin and hygromycin. In addition to selecting for transformants, such markers can be used to follow the inheritance of a foreign gene in a segregating population of plants.
4.Transformation -Transfer the gene construct into plant cell .
5.Selection of transfered cells or tissues .
6.Regenerate a new whole plant .

Advantage -
1. It improves the size of nutrients.
2.Reduce the percentage of waste gives a longer shelf life .
3.Plant cells are totipotent in nature that means a whole plant can generate  from an explant .
3. Increase the yield of crops
4.Improves the resistant power against disease,pests and herbicides.
5.Decrease pollution -Some genetically modified plants are made to prevent heavy metal pollution from contaminated soil.
6.Tolerance to drought and salinity .


1.Bt corn varieties (for pest resistance ) 1995 for example, contain a gene from a bacterium (Bacillus thuringiensis) found in the soil that causes the transgenic corn to produce an insecticidal protein. The gene confers resistance to ball worms.

2.Slow ripening tomato (Flavr savr )1994 It is the first commersialized GM crop .
  • It improves the texture.
  • It delays the ripening process.
  • It helps in facilitation of transportation .
3.Golden rice ( Improves nutritional quality )

4.GM maize (drought tolerance)- Transgenic maize expresses a Rna chaperone gene in tolerant to salt and water stress . 
Q. The transgenic animals are those which have
(a) foreign DNA in some of its cells
(b) foreign DNA in all its cells
(c) foreign RNA in all its cells
(d) DNA and RNA both in the cells
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