
Tuesday, 20 September 2016


A kind of bacteria which can live in very harsh environment . They do not require oxygen and they can sustain in very hot condition ,extreme salty enviornment and deep sea hydrothermal vents  . They are unicellular prokaryotes .

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Methanophiles (in sewage plant to help in breakdown of sewage ), halophiles (high conc. of salt ) and thermophiles (extreme hot areas ) are the examples of archaebacteria. These are looks like bacteria in microscope .

It differs from eubacteria in the respect of  rna which is present in ribosomes and arranged differently. They are thought to be oldest living organisms on earth .

Characters -

1. It stain  Gram + ve or -ve .
2. shape - sperical, lobed, spiral, rod shape
3. multiplication is asexual by binary fission or budding or fragmentation .
4. Circular DNA like bacteria and lacks histone protein .
5.GΨC content varies from 21-68%.
6. in T C arm of t- rna - pseudouridine/ 1- methyl pseudo uridine is present .
7. I t is sensitive to anisomycin and insensitive to kanamycin and chloramphenicol.
8. EF-2 reacts with diptheria toxin .
9. It obtain energy from sulphur and ammonia.
10. Methanogens live in deep mud without oxygen .
11.Halophiles can utilize light energy for the direct synthesis of ATP.
12.It is responsible for producing methane in bio gas ferementer.
13.Cell walls made up principally of pseudomurein.( N-acethyltalosaminuronic acid)Lacks D amino acids.
14.Ether linkage is present instead of ester linkage.
15.RNA pol enzyme contains 5-11 different subunits .

Q.Archaebacteria differ from eubacteria in
1.cell membrance structure
2.mode of nutrition
3.cell shape
4.mode of reproduction

ans. 1

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