
Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Radial micellation

Stomata- Openings of plant leaves particularly found in lower epidermis
surrounded by a pair of highly specialized cells called guard cells.  Guard cell  has a cell wall, chloroplasts, nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, ribosomes and lack a plasmodesmata (cytoplasmic connections).  

 Cell walls of guard cells are unique in being unevenly thickened and having radial micellation of microfibrils. The region of cell wall that lines the periphery of the pore is thicker than the rest.when guard cells become turgid, the thicker region of the cell wall cannot stretch lengthways and, hence bends opening the pore. Inside the leaf, beneath the stomatal pore and guard cells there is a substomatal cavity. This cavity is filled with water vapor formed due to evaporation of water from cell walls of the cells lining it.

Click to view original size. A good diagram to represent the movement of ions in the opening and closing of the stomata. Please view if your struggling to understand!
Radially micellated guard cell

Image source credit-

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