
Thursday, 26 May 2016

Flippase /Floppase /Scramblase

1.Flippase(P-type ATpase) -Transporters that move lipids to the cytoplasmic face of the membrane are commonly called “flippases.  It uses ATP to move the aminophospholipids  such as PS(phosphatidyl serine) and to a lesser extent, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), from the outer leaflet to the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane against the concentration gradient.

2. Floppases (ABC transporter)- Transport lipids from the cytofacial surface to the opposite side of the membrane are called “floppases” .it uses ATP to transport substrates such as phosphatidylcholine (PC), sphingolipid (SL) and cholesterol against concentration gradients in the opposite direction. 

Movement of phospholipid molecules between the two leaflets that compose a cell's membrane (transverse diffusion, also known as a "flip-flop" transition). 

3.Scramblase-It moves lipids across the bilayer in either direction towards equilibrium. It briefly disrupt random assymetry.

1.Flippase  2.Floppase 3.Scramblase

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