
Wednesday, 25 May 2016


 Cloning: (Dolly)

 Definition-Clones are organisms that are exact genetic copies. 
 Every single bit of DNA is identical. It can happen naturally— identical twins are
 just one of many  examples or can be made in the lab.

a) First clone - tadpoles using embryonic cells and nuclear transfer.

b) Why cloning?

  1) cloned animals produce proteins to treat disease. 
  2) for organ transplantation
  3) therapeutic human cloning and stem cells.

c)Types of cloning-
    1.Therapeutic cloning-by the use of stem cells for research.
    2.Reproductive cloning- for cloning human and animals.
                           Image source-

 3.Gene cloning-DNA derives from genome of organism and cloned into a cloning
    vector (Plasmid).

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